Monday 14 September 2015

Recognize Contraception.

Family planning contraceptives.
Various contraceptive indeed often confuse us to choose what is good and suitable for our use. Lack of information and knowledge is becoming a major factor in choosing a contraceptive mistake is good and not good to be used to prevent pregnancy.

Some kinds of contraceptives and a little explanation :

Pros And Disadvantages Contraceptive Pill Combination.

- Highly effective when taken daily.
- When you stop taking the pill may occur in pregnancy.
- In the first months of use may cause side effects, such as nausea, bleeding between menstrual periods or spots, weight gain, or headaches. All these symptoms are not dangerous.

- Safe for almost all women because the side effects are rare.
- Can be used by women of various ages, either already or not to have children.
- Can prevent certain cancers, anemia (iron deficiency), pain during menstruation and several other health.

Pros And Disadvantages Injectable Contraceptives.

Is very effective in preventing pregnancy when injected every 1 month or 3 months (according to the type of syringe).

Common bleeding disorders - such as spots, minor bleeding between the 2 periods. After the redemption of one year often do not experience menstruation. Weight gain are also common or raised mild headache.

Can be used by women of various ages, either already or not to have children.

If you stop taking this contraception, pregnancy can occur immediately.
Safe to use during breastfeeding, after 6 weeks after childbirth.
Help prevent cervical cancer; preventing pregnancy outside the womb

Pros And Disadvantages Contraceptive Implant.

There are 3 kinds of stem implant consists of 1, 2 rods, and 6 stems.
1,2 or 6 pieces of this rod is inserted under the skin on the upper arm.
Very effective for a period of 3 years (for types 1 and 2 rods) and 5 years (for types 6 bars).

If desired, the implant can be removed at any time.
Immediately after the implant is removed, a woman can get pregnant.

Changes in menstrual pattern is still in the normal range, light bleeding between menstrual periods, spots or no menstruation. Also raised a mild headache.

Safe to use during lactation, installed after 6 weeks after childbirth.
Helps prevent anemia and pregnancy outside the womb.

Pros And Disadvantages Contraceptive Pills Progestin / Mini Pill.

A good option for mothers who are breastfeeding and want to use the pill, began drinking at the 6th week after delivery.
Very effective during lactation.
If used during lactation, usually a change in menstrual patterns, especially spots between periods.

Pros And Disadvantages Contraception Condoms.

In addition to preventing pregnancy also may protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV / AIDS.
Condoms can be used to prevent HIV / AIDS, as well as family planning
With a little practice, easy to use correctly.
Effective when done correctly each.
Some men feel that condoms interfere with sexual intercourse and reduced pleasure.

Pros And Disadvantages Contraception IUD (intrauterine device).

Small tool consists of a flexible plastic material, which is inserted into the uterine cavity by a midwife / doctor trained.
Very effective, and when it stopped using an IUD, pregnancy can occur. The IUD is a long-term contraceptive methods.

IUD TCU-380 type A for example, is effective for at least 10 years.
Menstrual periods may become longer and many, especially in the first months of use. Experience a little discomfort after the IUD is inserted.
No effect on breastfeeding. A doctor / midwife who has received special training can put it shortly after childbirth.
Pelvic infections tend to attack users of IUDs especially if the wearer has been infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

IUDs can be out alone at times straining, especially in the first few months of use, so it is very important to check the rope.
Not recommended be used by women who have STDs.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contraceptive Methods Simplified / vaginal.

Spermisid / tissue contraception, diaphragm and hood, is a contraceptive method that can be used alone by women.
Must be inserted into the vagina (vagina coitus) every time before intercourse. Performed immediately before sexual intercourse.
Effective when used correctly.
Can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Using this contraceptive method, tend to urinary tract infections.
Tissue contraception is not easy to obtain.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contraceptive Methods Women Operation (MOP) / tubektomi.

How to permanent birth control for women who sure did not want to have children again consider carefully before making a decision.
Safe and simple operation. Requires only a local anesthetic.
Very effective.
There has been no long-term side effects. Experiencing discomfort after surgery. Serious complications due to surgery are rare.
Does not affect the ability or sexual feelings.

Benefits and Disadvantages of Male Contraception Method of Operation (MOP) / vasectomy.

How to permanent family planning for men who have decided not wish to have more children. Consider carefully before making a decision.
Safe operation, and easy. Requires only a few minutes in a clinic or doctor's office. Using a local anesthetic.
The new effective after ejaculation is 20 times or 3 months postoperatively. Before that still need to use condoms.
There is no long term side effects.
Does not affect the ability or sexual satisfaction.

Pros And Disadvantages Calendar Contraception System.

Women should know the fertile period in a woman's menstrual cycle.
Calendar systems are: the fertile period are not having sex. When associated use of condoms, contraceptive tissue, diaphragm and hood, or withdrawal during the fertile period.
Can be effective if done properly. But in reality is often less effective.

Needed a good cooperation with their partners, because it is difficult to avoid sexual intercourse for a long time.
No physical side effects.
This method is recommended if another contraceptive method used at times difficult to have a fever, vaginal infection, after childbirth or during breastfeeding.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Contraceptive Methods LAM (Lactational Amenorrhoe Methode) / Breastfeeding.

How to contraception through exclusive breastfeeding (breastfeeding infants from 0 s / d 4 months without additional food).
A breastfeeding woman is said to be using the method of LAM, if:
In full or breastfeeding her baby did not receive additional food, often mothers breastfeeding, day and night;
Has not gotten her period;
6 month old baby yet.
Women should already planning the use of another family planning method, when not using LAM.

Some contraceptive methods are not recommended because of certain health conditions.

Health condition.

Which is not the recommended method.

Smoked and aged over 35 years. Contraceptive pills (pill combination).
Known to have high blood pressure. If high blood pressure,
high, use injectable contraceptives.
The first 6 months of breastfeeding. Use a pill.
The first 6 weeks of breastfeeding. Dream DMPA, progestin pills (POPs)
Some of heart disease, vascular birth control pills, progestin pills, injectable DMPA,
blood rare, and some implants. Or ask your doctor / midwife.
Migrant headaches - headaches that contraceptive pills, but the use of the pill
who come repeatedly, often restricted to two conditions, namely:
on one side of the head only, or throbbing.
1. Women aged 35 years / more
which causes nausea, symptoms of the more
2. Women's unlimited lifespan if poorly when exposed to light or hear the visually impaired, noises or trouble speaking or moving
when experiencing headaches.
Has transmitted infections due to IUD / IUD. Use condoms, disease sex or disease even though it uses means inflammation of the pelvis at this point or 3 months other contraceptives (bleeding in the vagina last. High risk - because it has an unusual, is probably more than one pair of either the husband or signs of infection due to his wife. intercourse). The conditions were not perfect particular IUD / IUD. Ask your doctor / midwife of female organs. you. Known was pregnant. IUD / IUD. The contraceptive pill first 21 days after birth.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: 14 September 2015 at 09:53
Tag : Contraception.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 09:53

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