Sunday 7 February 2016

About Cockroaches.

Cockroaches, cockroach, or coro are insects (class Insecta) of the order Blattodea which consists of approximately 3,500 species in 6 familia. Cockroach found in almost all parts of the world, except in the polar regions.
Among the most notable species are the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which has a length of 3 cm, the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, with a length of ± 1½ cm, and the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai, also with a length of about 1 ½ cm. Cockroaches are often regarded as pests in the building, although only a few of thousands of species of cockroaches that are included in this category.

Cockroach history.

According to historians animals, cockroaches have existed since 320 million years ago. They first present before the dinosaurs are believed appeared 250 million years ago. Unlike other animals, they are seen to have a form of evolution today.

Now cockroach meets all locations on Earth, even in Antarctica though! There are different kinds of cockroaches, there are at least 3500 types (according, other sources say even reach 5,000 species. They chose to live in damp places, such as garbage disposal, behind cabinets, even under the bed!

Its presence in the human community is not something to be expected. They are many, but not edible. If only edible, of course, hunger never existed in the world - anyway who also want to eat a cockroach. Instead, we hate it, avoid it, and some even fear him. I know people who macho, brave, wise, but afraid of cockroaches. Amusingly see their behavior when faced with a cockroach, haha.

Why Hated Cockroach.

Somehow, our perspective on the same cockroach: DISGUSTED! Perhaps because we know where they live. Or perhaps since birth we've had the same instinct to cockroaches: shocker! Going into this interesting research topic. Some babies can be sampled on this. But of course her parents would never permit because his parents knew it was disgusting cockroach. So, we will probably never know if these feelings of disgust towards cockroaches congenital or due to environmental influences.

Disgust, they should be cast! Murder cockroach is not only for reasons of disgust, but also for health reasons. Although there is no scientific proof that the body of a cockroach carrying infectious diseases to humans, but because of a cockroach likes to hang around in dirty (lots of germs) then automatic when he walked on top of the mattress we had dirt stuck to the top of the mattress pads. Still mending mattress, they can be washed. Instead of streets on our food, the food should be discarded.

Fact dirtiness cockroaches: cockroaches favorite food is garbage or leftover food, ie food-eating stale that is certainly a lot of bacteria and viruses. They taste their food with her legs. With legs that also they take a walk over your floor. Hiii, you can imagine how slovenly former step of the cockroach.

If you get a cockroach in your home, then you may not be quiet because it meant he had many friends. Cockroach always live in groups. When walking, they leave a trail that can be recognized by other cockroaches so that there will never be a cockroach is a stray. This ensures a cockroach to continue to live together, get a meal, and of course continue the descent.

The first miracle: geomagnetic.

But get rid of cockroaches is not easy thing. Menyambit with slippers clearly not the solution. At least he's only a short run - we not want to throw him out, but ended their lives! We often do is ferret cockroach so no one in sight. Once within the stampede, instantly trampled!

Cockroaches are very agile. It took some time before finally stamping on a cockroach were killed. In addition, imagine such a cockroach disgust trampled and remove fluid from the body making us often tread by not wholeheartedly - this contributes to why we often miss the mark stamping. However, the book thrown or hit with any wood, cockroach remains hard to kill. They were very agile, can be avoided with the right seemed to know where the attack is coming.

Agility cockroach became one subject of the research: why cockroaches can dodge attacks with ease. Cockroaches utilizing the earth's magnetic field (geomagnetic) to guide the movement as an online magazine Wired published science based on the report of the Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 212 Issue 21, November 1, 2009.

This study conducted a series of experiments to cockroaches in the electric field and radio waves. The researchers revealed that cockroaches can map the geomagnetic field as well as birds. This is not a cheesy science! Geomagnetic feel is already a surplus of insects, but this is not just a feeling, but look! And because they've inhabited this Earth 350 million years, this mapping system already spread all kinds of cockroaches! In other words, they are born already know what he looks like from the perspective of the Earth's geomagnetic field. Crazy!

Meaning: to kill him, for they are not agile. To make it agile, remove the geomagnetic field. To eliminate the geomagnetic field, destroy the Earth. Conclusion: to kill a cockroach, destroy the Earth.

The second miracle: blattabacterium.

Mapping the Earth's geomagnetic field is not the only advantages of a cockroach. A report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 106, No. 43, October 27, 2009, as reported in the online magazine Wired science says that there is a type of bacteria called blattabacterium capable of converting waste into nutrients needed to live cockroach. It makes cockroaches can survive from eating anything. Even crazier, was so efficient recycling system that bacteria do before, cockroaches do not need to pee!

The presence of these bacteria make a cockroach can live a simple, effective, and efficient. But on the other hand, cockroaches became very dependent on bacterial expected "perch" in the body of a cockroach 140 million years ago. If these bacteria die, the cockroach loses all capabilities associated with the body's metabolism. Cockroaches have lost the ability to metabolize itself.

Meaning: to kill a cockroach, please kill this blattabacterium. However, what poison that can effectively kill these bacteria? Scientists thought that these bacteria can mutate so resistant to the toxin given.

Facts to Know About the Cockroach.

Do not be afraid of cockroaches. If the fear of being increasingly attacked. Hard to put into practice? Heard it just has to make skin crawl, let alone confront directly.

Cockroaches including many of the most hated insects. Like in a dirty place so disgusting. Especially when it suddenly flat insects can fly up to you like a little monster, well, it's no wonder that so many phobia, especially women.

Some facts that you know why :

1. Cockroaches have a radar that could detect the fear experienced by
    people in sekitarnya.Kecoa have a nervous system and the system
    motor movement is astounding, and has a reaction speed
    very impressive, to escape from danger, including reaction
    attached to the object that has the fear him, as
    self-defense reaction of the cockroach.

2. Cockroaches located almost in all parts of the world, except in the polar

3. Among the most notable species are the American cockroach (Periplaneta
    americana), which has a length of 3 centimeters (cm), German cockroach
    (Blattella germanica), with a length of ± 1.5 cm, and the Asian cockroach
    (Blattella asahinai), with about 1.5 cm long also. However, the most
    substantial in size may Australian burrowing cockroach can grow
    up to 9 cm.

4. According to the study, the cockroach has been on earth since 300 million
    years ago or older than the dinosaurs.
    When the family of giant reptiles extinct dinosaurs about 65 million years ago,
    cockroach family to survive until now. Biologists even
    estimates, in case of an atomic catastrophe on earth, one of the creatures
    life will still exist is a cockroach.

5. Speed ​​cockroach ran only about 5 kilometers per hour. Which is very
    Awesome is the reaction speed senso-motor system in
    responding to stimuli from the outside.

6. In the long evolutionary history, developed two systems senso-
    independent motor. That means, they can function in unison,
    or also serve each other without depending on the system.

Senso-motoric system first located in the head, with two antennas that function as tuning vibration. The second part of the hind legs that extend into the abdomen, with fine hairs, also serves a similar antenna.
If the vibration of a tuning system in the hind legs or antennae on the head gets a sudden stimulus, the reaction occurs only within 15-20 milliseconds or faster than the blink of an eye, the cockroach is already reacting a defense to save himself.

7. Two senso-motoric system cockroach separate and independent so that if one
    sabotaged or shut down the system, the other system is still active and
    function. In fact, cockroaches were beheaded still react as quickly as
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: 07 February 2016 at 11:31
Tag : Cockroaches.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:31

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