Showing posts with label Did you know onions.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Did you know onions.. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Did you know onions.

Onions (Latin: Allium Cepa Linnaeus) is a type of onion that is the most numerous and widely cultivated, used as a spice and food ingredients, large round-shaped and thick fleshy.
Onions are commonly used in cooking food in Indonesia, is not only used as decoration but also a part of the cuisine because of its large and thick flesh. Called onion as brought by traders from the city Bombay (now Mumbai) in India to Indonesia.

Origins of onions.

Suspected onions came from Central Asia, the possibility of Palestine, then spread to Europe and India, and the entrance was brought by traders from there. Most likely the onions into Indonesia as the entry of traders from India or occupiers of the Netherlands. The Dutch had tried to cultivate onions in Padang, but countless failed. Considered more suitable land in Karo because it proved very satisfactory result. Its use in Indonesia was originally used on the popular Chinese and European cuisine, but later many Indonesian food that use it.

Characteristics of the Bombay Onions.

Onion has a distinctive aroma when compared with the usual red onions, tubers are formed of layers of leaves are enlarged and united. The tree grows straight up, root fibers and not too long (± 10c), leaves bebentuk like pipes but flattened dark green and the leaves are larger than regular onions. A quasi stem leaf midrib and cause traces rings, base widened and thickened pelepahnya forming large swelling which serves to store food reserves, swelling itself is the onion bulbs.
At the base of the bulbs are rudimentary stem that resembles a disc which is the actual onion. The flowers and circle round compound with a large flower stalk, strong and large at the bottom.
At the end of the flower stalk sometimes form small bulbs which can also be used as seed. Flowers can also be shaped onion seeds with black enough.

Bombay onion cultivation.

Onion suitable to be planted in a mountainous area with a temperature of 18-20 ° C. Sunlight irradiation length of up to 14 hours a day. Ideal place altitude of 800 meters above sea level. There also are said to be at the height of 2,000 m above sea level. Containing loose soil acidity between pH 5.5-6.5 with good drainage into the main requirements in order not to make the onion bulb rot because of the floods. Choose the size 10-20 onion bulbs / tubers, required from 1500 to 2000 kg, or ± 90,000 bulbs for one hectare.
Soil needs to be weeded out of the weeds, hoe until crumbly and manure ± 10-20 tonnes / hectare. Onions are best planted at the beginning of the dry season in Indonesia about the month of May / June to August / September. Onions should be planted in loose soil with sufficient moisture (watered the day before planting). Along with planting time, give a mixture of fertilizer N, P, and K (NPK) with a 15:15:15 ratio with a dose of 150 kg per hectare. Or can also be replaced with KCl fertilizer with the amount of 325 kg per hectare.
The fertilizer is mixed with the soil. Other fertilizers given aftershocks.
On top of the beds to be planted, specify the spacing of using ropes, stakes and blades with a distance measuring 20x30 or 40x30 cm. Plant the seeds of onion one by one part of cloves into the ground with cloves in the top position. Flush again until enough moisture.
Plant maintenance is done by stitching at the age of 7 days after planting by replacing rotten seeds with good.
Do irrigation by means of flooded and periodically reduced so that the bulbs do not rot. Dose of 100-120 kg of fertilizer N, 150 kg P2O5 and K2O per hectare or 100 equivalent to 222-267 kg of urea or 476-571 kg 489 kg TSP Za _ _ 271 kg per hectare KCI. Fertilizer application is done twice, ie at the age of 2 weeks after planting fertilizer TSP and KCI and a half dose of urea and ZA; then repeated at the age of 4 weeks after planting in the form of urea or Za remaining half dose. Fertilizer application was rushed in between the rows of plants, spread and covered the ground.

Benefits of Onions Bombay.

The biggest use for materials and seasoning. Efficacy onion very much, which is a natural antioxidant, able to suppress sinogenik effects of free radical compounds. Fungi in general is to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases such as colon cancer. Onions are also commonly used to treat various digestive diseases, influenza, bloating, nausea, ulcers, dysentery, and kill worms in the stomach. Properties of onion are hypolipidemic compounds, which can lower blood cholesterol levels. Consuming a clove can raise levels of 'good' cholesterol by 30%. Among other benefits, can cure liver inflammation, arthritis, inflammation of the tonsils, sore throat, and ear inflammation. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: March 25, 2015 at 11:34
Tags : Did you know onions.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 11:34