Showing posts with label Fruit yam.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fruit yam.. Show all posts

Thursday 21 May 2015

Fruit yam.

Yam (Dioscorea esculenta L., tribal gadung-fake or dioscoreaceae) is a tuber crops that are now difficult to find in the market. Planting is still quite widespread in rural although also increasingly endangered. Yam produce edible tubers. Bulbs are usually boiled and chewy texture. Yam tuber to tuber Dioscorea bulbifera similar, but smaller.
Yam plant vines and its propagation rotates to the right (clockwise when viewed from above). The trunk is rather thorny.
Yam considered a potentially large plants in the future. Various research to conserve biodiversity and tuber processing (made into ethanol or alcohol) was carried out.
The name "yam" is also used in one of the comic strip "Flag Koming", namely the wife of his friend: "Ni Dyah Woro yam".
In English known as the lesser yam yam.
fruit yam.

Utilization of yam (Dioscorea esculenta) as Substitute Raw Materials Ice Cream to Reduce the Risk of Obesity.
In general, nutrition or food consumption divided into two staple food and food additives. One of the extra food that is often consumed by children of school age is ice cream. In addition to ice cream flour-based food products in Indonesia, many in the market, for example noodles, bread, and cookies. It is tidaksejalan with still imported flour from other countries because of the difficulty of wheat grown in the region of tropical Indonesia. Foods made from wheat flour dominate the market including ice cream that is a favorite food of most of the people that are made from skim milk imports. Growing opinion in society that the ice cream with the physical structure and unique flavor is able to suppress a sense of stress and evoke the mood. But behind the delicious taste of ice cream that contains several components that are harmful to health. Given ice cream fans most of the school-age children consume healthy ice cream must try.

yam tree.

Ice cream is one of the high-energy food products, this is because the main raw material of ice cream is milk. In general, the ice cream is sold in the market is composed of dairy ingredients and some components such as emulfier, CMC (Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) as a stabilizer and is still imported from other countries. Besides high food consumption habits of energy, including ice cream, be one of the causes of obesity. Based on research conducted by Sari, Verani Puspita (2012) there is a significant relationship between body mass index on learning achievement. In that study revealed that a high body mass index exceeds normal limits lowered learning achievement. In addition, research conducted by the Princess, and colleagues (2013) also revealed the same thing.

According to Sherwood (2001) consumption of high-fat diet can reduce levels neutrofik factors in the hippocampus. In addition hippocampus is a part of the brain that functions integrate sensory stimuli received during the process of learning by Wernicke's area with existing memory into long-term memory. It required a material that is relatively easy in nature can, native to Indonesia so as not to have to import from abroad.

For the necessity of natural raw material offers as a substitute for raw materials in the form of additional food is ice cream yam Dioscorea esculenta and several plant bulbs. Several studies conducted to determine the benefits of yam, among others, by Moongngarm A, Trachoo, Sirigungwan N. and N. (2011) associated with Low Molecular Weight Carbohydrate compound (LMWC) on a variety of tubers. In addition to research conducted by Prameswari, Dwi Rizki and Estiasih, Teti (2013) revealed that yam is also a potential source of carbohydrate, protein, low-fat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin B6 and C.

According to Boban et al (2006) in Harijono, et al (2010) revealed that yam (Dioscorea esculenta) contains glucomannan which can potentially in the field of food and health industries. Foods that are high content of glucomannan can improve glycemic control and lipid profile. In the field of food glucomannan can be used as a food additive as a stabilizer, Ekelman and Dannan, (2009) in Harjono, et al (2010).

Research conducted by Zubaidah, Elegant and Akhadiana, Wilda (2013) reveals the benefits of insulin contained in yam (Dioscorea esculenta). Inulin is a polymer of fructose whose components are composed of β chain (1.2) fruktofu- ranosida. Inulin including long-chain carbohydrates with 2-60 units. Long-chain inulin (22-60 units) is less soluble and more viscous so that it can be used as a fat substitute.

Inulin is one component of food which is widely used as a functional food because it has a high fiber content. Inulin is a prebiotic which inulin can not be digested by digestive enzymes, but in the large intestine inulin will be fermented by bacteria Bifidobacterium are many health benefits to the body (Zubaidah, Elegant and Akhadiana, Wilda 2013).

Based on the benefits of yam (Dioscorea esculenta) which has a variety of chemical compounds, the yam can be used as raw material for the manufacture of food supplements in the form of ice cream. Research conducted Dewanti, Fanny Karina (2013) on the physical properties of ice cream ice cream which revealed that the raw material is replaced with bulbs do not have a flavor that is much different from the usual ice cream and still in demand. In terms of health ice cream with raw materials yam has a smaller risk of obesity and able to assist the digestive process. For the use of yam as a raw material for making ice cream is one of the efforts to use local food in order to build competitiveness. Indonesia has a tropical climate diversified capable overgrown plants can be pursued to keep on digging and utilized optimally.

Fruit Nutrient content of yam.

Yam is a common foodstuff consumed by the people of Indonesia. Yam contains energy of 95 kilocalories, protein 1.5 g, carbohydrates 22.4 grams, 0.1 grams fat, 14 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 49 milligrams and 1 milligram of iron. Also in the yam is also contained as much as 0 IU of vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C 0.05 milligrams to 4 milligrams. The results obtained from conducted research on 100 grams of yam, the amount that can be eaten as much as 85%.

Detailed information Composition Nutrition / Nutritional yam :

Name Foodstuffs: yam
Other name / Alternative: -
The number yam studied (Food Weight) = 100 gr
Part yam that can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 85%
Total energy content of yam = 95 kcal
Total Protein Content of yam = 1.5 gr
Total Fat Content of yam = 0.1 gr
Total Carbohydrate Content of yam = 22.4 g
Total content of Calcium yam = 14 mg
Total Phosphorus content of yam = 49 mg
Total content of Iron yam = 1 mg
Total content of Vitamin A yam = 0 IU
Total content of Vitamin B1 yam = 0.05 mg
Total content of Vitamin C yam = 4 mg
Efficacy / Benefits yam: - (Not Available)
Initial letters Name Foodstuffs: G
Nutritional Information Sources: Various publications of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia as well as other sources.

Research On The Other yam :

Name Foodstuffs: yam (Version DKBM P3G '90)
The number yam studied (Food Weight) = 100 gr
Part yam that can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 85%
Total energy content of yam = 131 kcal
Total Protein Content of yam = 1.1 gr
Total Fat Content of yam = 0.2 gr
Total Carbohydrate Content of yam = 31.3 g
Total content of Calcium yam = 14 mg
Total Phosphorus content of yam = 56 mg
Total content of Iron yam = 0.6 mg
Total content of Vitamin A yam = 0 IU
Total content of Vitamin B1 yam = 0.08 mg
Total content of Vitamin C yam = 4 mg

Specification :

Research / Research at different yam can produce differences in the results are due to various factors that influence.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: May 21, 2015 at 14:35
Tags : Fruit yam.

Posted by: Bambang Sunarno Updated at: 14:35